Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our dinner was very successful, and Matt & I were impressed. We had a feast! And we have tons of leftovers. I went into the day being negative, since we had to work until 11 the previous night. But after the stress wore off, I was very happy to have such a great partner. This weekend is booked with social activities, before we go back to work. I admit, that it is nice to be sitting on the couch at 12:23 pm, in my pj's knowing I don't have to work tonight. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend, and gives thanks for their blessings!

Monday, November 14, 2011


I was told I was being cranky this morning because of him talking about going to a different field. It's on a component that would have him be in Raleigh a lot. =( I'm hoping that he can do more work while at Oconee, and not in Raleigh. Hoping I'm not cranky all week.....

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Matt's gone again. I hate his back to back trips. He was home for a total of 37 hours, and i got to see him for 34 hours. 17 of them we slept. =/ Lets hope next weekend is better, and he'll be home next week.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I should be happy that Matt's coming home. But I'm not. All I can think about is what he did last night, and now I find out he's going back next week. This fucking sucks. I really hate when they have him do back-to-back. I left it up to him whether he wanted to come back or not, and he said he did. Lets hope this weekend goes by alright... and that we don't fight and I don't get more depressed.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


It's Mom's birthday today. We grilled burgers, and had cake! We made her take home the rest of it. I can't believe its November already. 1 month closer to Christmas and my birthday. 1 month closer to the end of the year. So many people skip over Thanksgiving. I'm excited that we get to host this year! I have to many things that I'm thankful for, and I can't wait to share and spend time with the family. I feel bad that there is so many people out there without food, shelter, clothing. It makes me sick. There is a woman in another dept. on 2nd shift that lost her house. Her hubby apparently beat her up, and then when she went to press charges he burnt down the house. Matt and I got a gift card for her for Walmart, so she could get clothes and food. I know that there are being beds donated, and furniture. I hope that everything works our for the poor girl. We need to give some extra blessings and prayers to the less fortunate........