Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Gwendolyn's Story

3 months late is better than never!  Gwen's birth was a scheduled c-section.  Due to my delivery with Natalia, the doctors saw this as the best option.  It was scheduled for 39 weeks and 1 day.  We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 Am on June 6th.  I actually started having contractions on our way to the hospital.  They got timeable and stronger while we were doing the c-section prep.  I got wheeled back after 8:30. Matt got suited up and I got my spinal.  It didn't hurt as much as I expected!  Maybe because I had already had an epidural 3 years ago.  I was nice and happy during surgery and very talkative.  Probably to calm my nerves.  Baby Gwen was born at 9:18 am.  I started crying when I heard her cry.  I was so excited to meet my newest baby girl.  This delivery went much smoother, as did recovery.  I am very thankful to have a really good birth experience.  =)